We've been surveying residents since October 1 to hear their perspectives on this project. Read on to learn about who has completed the surveys so far.
Check Your ProgressExplore the chart below and ask yourself: Does the demographic profile of our survey respondents match what the Census tells us about who lives in this community? We’re not going for perfection — an exact match is nearly impossible — but we are trying to get close.
If you’re finding certain populations are under-represented in your surveys, we’ve got some recommendations about how you can reach them and a community asset map that can help inform where to take your surveys next. Once you have achieved representation, we will share the results from all the surveys.
At the beginning of this project, we examined past survey data and identified three populations who have been historically left out of past planning processes:
Working with our credible messengers, we developed targeted outreach plans to hear directly from these residents. Here’s how we’re doing at collecting their input:
We’ve distributed the survey through a variety of channels: we have partnered with over a dozen community members to share the survey, the city has mentioned it twice in their newsletter, and we attended three community-wide events.
Here’s where our survey responses are coming from:
Are you finding that certain populations are missing from your surveys? Here are some ideas for reaching those communities:
Still not there yet? Reach out to an FFI staff member or contact us using the form below so we can brainstorm community outreach strategies with you.
Got questions? We’d love to hear from you.