Many Clevelanders have not experienced the shores—or sunsets—of our Great Lake. There’s no safe, universally accessible or convenient way to cross the railroad tracks, roads and other physical and social barriers that stand in the way.
With your input, we can change that. Inspired by the community’s vision and input, we have fresh ideas about what the waterfront can be.
In October and November 2023, we asked Cleveland residents in Wards 5 and 14 about how they felt this project might impact their wellbeing, both positives and negatives. Here’s what they had to say.
Overall, most people said they expected the project to improve their social connectedness (60%) and safety (75%), and access to resources.
However, the category with the largest percentage of people worried that the project would worsen their wellbeing was also social connectedness (25%).
The most neutral expectations were related to mastery, with nearly half of survey respondents expecting the project would result in no change.
Do you agree with Mayor Bibb's vision for this project? Why or why not?
If you said that this project would positively affect you in some ways, please share why.
If you said that this project would negatively affect you in some ways, please share why.
Thinking about what you're concerned about losing, or other negatives, what would make this project more worth it to you?
Is there anything you'd like to explain about the ratings you chose?
Is there anything else you want to share about the project, or about you?